Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Been a while

It's been awhile since I last posted, so I thought I would start again!

I am still doing Weight Watchers. I am down a total of 6 lbs. The last few weeks I have gained a pound, lost .08 and then gained .04 back. My weight watchers leader thinks I have plateaued, so I am looking at different things I can do to get back on track. One thing I am going to start doing is working out. I have been very slacked on that. Which I need to quit finding excuses of why I can't find time to go to the gym, or take a walk around the block a few times, do some sit ups, etc. If I can find time to sit on Facebook at night, I can find time to go to the gym since really what am I doing between 5-10 at night anyways. So next Monday at weigh in, I am hoping to lose at least a lb, or more.

Valentine's day was nice this year. After work, Scott gave me a really sweet card, flowers and made me dinner. Which was perfect, as I told him I didn't want him to go all out, like he did in years past. We had a relaxing evening at home.

Scott just built yet another computer, and I got my wedding band!

Next week, Scott and I are going on a mini vacation down to Springfield, OR. to visit his brother. We've never been down that way, so it will be a nice little break in our daily lives. We are leaving after work on the 17th, so we don't hit rush hour in Portland area, and so we have more time down there, and then we are coming home on the 20th, or 21st, we haven't decided what day yet, depends on how much fun we are having.

I am also excited, I got my airline tickets for extremely inexpensive to Chicago this year for my brother and I. We are going May 3-10. I get to have the best Cinco De Maddie ever, and see my niece's first dance recital as well. My brother has never been to Chicago, so I am excited to show him around Chi-town.

Well, I am off to have some dinner with my hubby!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weight Watchers

Monday 1/3/2011 I joined Weight Watchers. I think it will be a great decision. I have been wanting to lose weight, and I think this will help me. On 12/31/11 I gave up soda. It's been 5 days, and I haven't had an urge to have any. I have had the cravings for sugar, and massive headaches, but I will grab some water, or a Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade which is no sugar and 0 points. I am so happy with myself right now.
Another proud moment was afterwork today, I went to the gym and worked out for 1/2 hour. It made me feel good. Tomorrow I plan on going to the gym again for anothe 1/2 hour.

January 3rd 2011, weigh in stats:

Height: 5'2 3/4
Weight: 230.2 lbs
BMI: 42.1
Pant Size 20
Daily Points: 33
How much weight I want to lose: 23

I will be weighing in on Monday nights. My supervisor joined with me, so it will be nice for the added support. Scott has been very supportive of me with this new life change. He tells me how proud he is of me all the time, and tells me I am doing an amazing job. It makes me feel good. Once the weather gets nicer, I am going to try and convience him to go for evening walks with me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 already

Time has flown by, the last three years seem like a blur to me. I was just thinking about my past New Year Eve's and the last one I really remember doing something awesome for was in 2007. Which ended up being a great year. I started a new career, met Scott, and started school again.

This past year went so quickly, with being in school, moving, working, and wedding planning all at the same time.
My New Years Eve 2010, was lame. I watched the ball drop at 9pm EST on Times Square, and then went to bed. My husband woke me up around 1045ish, which only upset me, I wanted to sleep. I hate being woken up before any alarm.

I wonder what 2011 has instore for me. I do know I have some goals, not resolutions.

1. Be a better wife
2. Save money to buy a house
3. Go to Chicago for my nieces birthday
4. Get back into school (taking Winter Qtr off)
5. Get healthier.

I think these 5 goals are good goals to have. I am joining weight watchers on Monday, and I am going to attempt to lose some of the weight I have gained in the last two years. I am cutting out soda, and making sure I eat three times a day. Oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and something for dinner.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Years!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Maybe someday....

Why is it, when you get married, people assume you should get pregnant right away. I think I her at least three or four times a week when are you and Scott going to start a family. Are you pregnant yet? Etc. Etc.

Scott and I are currently not planning on having children. Scott states he doesn't want kids, and I was told a few years ago, that I may not be able to have children. I was diagnosed with PCOS. So, with that I have come to grips with the fact that I may or may not be able to have children.

As some of you might think, well there's always adoption or fostering children, which is very true, and in a few years, we might look into something like that. However I am also not convinced that I can't have children, so until proven wrong, I will like to see what happens.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What a crazy year this has been!

October 10, 2010 : I became Mrs. Scott Brewster. The weather was overcast and rainy, but if you know me, then you would know that I LOVE THE RAIN! So, it was a perfect day! The ceromony was short and sweet and the reception was very laid back, and fun. That night a group of my friends and coworkers went out drinking to celebrate our marriage.

October 12, 2010 : Scott and I left on our Honeymoon, we woke up to our car being decorated with "Just Married" on the back window, (On the wedding day due to the rain noone got a hold of the car). It took us about 7 hours, but made it to Aberdeen, WA. We stopped along White Pass a ton to take pictures, and have a good time. That night we checked into the hotel, grab a bite to eat at Billy's and we both ate Yak for the first time.

October 13, 2010: We woke up in the morning and headed into Ocean Shores, WA where we went to the beach and walked and took pictures. It was a great time! We ate lunch, and then walked around to the different shops. Scott found a shop that had wooden games, and he was given a challenge, which he could give up. After about 2 1/2 hours he finally put it down, and we left the store. We drove up the coast to Pacific Ocean and ate dinner and found a private beach to watch the sunset.

7pm, the phone call I will never forget. We got back to the hotel room, and I logged into Facebook to post pictures from the day, and saw a message from my mom, stating to call my dad's phone ASAP. So, I called them, and got some devastating news. My cousin Lance Cpl. Phillip Vinnedge-19 was killed by a roadside IED after only being in Afghanistan for 16 days.

I ended up drinking a few glasses of champange, and took an anxiety medication to help calm me down after this phone call. Which helped me fall asleep for the night.

October 14, 2010: I wanted to go home, I didn't want to stay in Aberdeen and finish the honeymoon, but I knew I needed to continue with my life. Even though I was hurting, and not being around my family really sucked during this time. I sucked it up, and we went to Westport, where we got to see cranberry bogs, which was so neat to see. Also helped me keep my mind clear.

October 15, 2010: Ocean Shores again, Scott had to complete the said wooden puzzle challenge, which he was able to do. So, there is a picture in a little shop of Scott and I and he got to get the puzzle for free.

October 16, 2010: Headed home, by way of Mount St. Helen's, which was my first time being there. It was so amazing seeing the distruction of what the mountain did in 1980. That night we went to the Detloff's place for a huge party/bonfire. So much fun!

Two months later, we are still happily married!